August 3, 2009

Precious remedies against Satan's devices - Brooks - IX - 3.2 to 3.3

Required reading
Precious Remedies Against Satan's Devices by Thomas Brooks (available from Amazon or free on the internet, here for example) - Chapter 3, Devices 2 and 3.

My notes and thoughts
Device 2: By presenting the danger that attend religious services.  Good line from Brooks 'The doing of such and such heavenly services may lay you open to the frowns of men, but the neglect of them will lay you open to the frowns of God; the doing of them may render you contemptible in the eyes of men, but the neglect of them may render you contemptible in the eyes of God; the doing of them may be the loss of thy estate, but the neglect of them may be the loss of God, Christ, heaven, and thy soul for ever; the doing of them may shut thee out from some outward temporal contents, the neglect of them may shut thee out from that excellent matchless glory...'  Yes, there are dangers connected with religious services but there is far greater danger in not doing religious services.

Also on this device, is it just me, or does it sound like Brooks is preaching prosperity doctrine? :)  '...for every penny that he loses in the service of God, he gains a pound; and for every pound that he loses, he gains a hundred; for every hundred lost, he gains a thousand.'

Device 3: By presenting to the soul the difficulty of performing them.  I like Remedy 1 a lot: To dwell more upon the necessity of the service...'  It is good to be reminded that it is not about what is easy, but about what is the right thing to do.

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