August 10, 2009

Precious remedies against Satan's devices - Brooks - XVI - Chapter 5 continued

Required reading
Precious Remedies Against Satan's Devices by Thomas Brooks (available from Amazon or free on the internet, here for example) - Chapter 5, Section I, Device 2 (By engaging them against..) and Section II (Device against the learned and wise).  The chapter's divisions are a bit confusing for our purposes this time around, but hopefully you get the idea.

My notes and thoughts
Device 2: 'By engaging them against the people of the Most High...'
The stupidity of such activity is clearly demonstrated in the remedies.  To persecute the saints is to persecute a people with an avenging God who takes it personally (one of the most powerful arguments is that Jesus views Saul's persecution as against himself!).  Moreover, history has shown that God always triumphs against those who engage themselves against his people.  And then the final remedy is the icing on the cake: when someone persecutes the church they are actually persecuting those who could well be the reason that God's judgement hasn't fallen upon the whole land including them!!  Persecuting a Christian is like taking down your security system when you're under attack!

Device II: 'Device against the learned and the working them to pride themselves.'  I'm actually surprised that the device of pride has not come up earlier but I guess it has been subtly present in earlier devices.  Remedy 1 is the best: 'That you have nothing but what you have received.'  Everything we have is from our creator so how could we ever think we are so wonderful.  I'm reminded of people who claim they do not need to say grace at the dinner table because it was them that earned the money to buy the food and they who prepared it - God did nothing.  But where did the 'body' come from that got the job and earned the money and prepared the food?!

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