February 17, 2010

Christian ministry - Bridges - VII - Part III commenced

Required reading
Christian ministry by Charles Bridges (available from Amazon or free on the internet, here for example) - Begin Part 3 by reading Chapters 1, 2 and 3.

My summary
Now Bridges begins a new section looking at 'causes of ministerial inefficiency connected with our personal character'.

Chapter One is a discussion of the 'want of entire devotedness of heart to the Christian ministry' - 'Our responsibilities demand an entire devotedness of spirit to every soul, as if it were the sole object of our care.'

Chapter Two looks at 'conformity to the world' - for 'after having fully mixed in the diversions and follies of the world, can you appear in a Christian pulpit, impressed with a sense of the importance of the Gospel and zealous for its success?'

And Chapter Three examines 'the fear of man' in public ministrations, general ministrations and from the professing church.

What grabbed me
Chapter One was brilliant.  So many good quotes about the state of heart of the minister.  My favourite: 'We are to be labourers, not loiterers, in the Lord's vineyard; not doing his work with a reluctant heart, as if we did it not, as if we feared being losers by him, or giving him more than he deserved.'

Next week's reading
Continue reading Part 3 by reading Chapters 4 and 5.

Now it's your turn
Please post your own notes and thoughts in the comments section below.

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