Free book give away- Soul winner by CH Spurgeon
Once we've finished Finally Alive by John Piper we'll be reading Soul Winner by CH Spurgeon. And I actually have a spare second hand copy of Soul Winner that I've decided to give away. It is unmarked (that I can see) and in good condition, pages just a bit yellow from age.
How do you win it?
Leave a comment before 5pm (Australian Eastern Time), Thursday, 18th February 2010, on this post about which book you would most like to see read at the book club. I'll draw a name at random and send it on.
I'm happy to post it to anywhere in the world where a postal service operates.
how about Calvin's Institutes for the major work or for Theology? It might be too long though and I don't know if you have already done it. How about Reformed Doctrine of Predestination by Loraine Boettner for Theology Tues?
sorry, I forgot to mention that I also have heard really good things about Marrow of Modern Divinity by Edward Fisher.
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