February 14, 2010

George Whitefield - Philip - VI - Chapter 6

Required reading
Life and times of George Whitefield by Robert Philip (available from Amazon or free on the internet, here for example) - Read Chapter Six.

My summary
Today we read of Whitefield's work in Wales.

Firstly we are given an overview of the state of religion in Wales, particularly the work of the ministers Rhees Pritchard and Griffith Jones.

Then Howel Harris is looked at and his involvement with Whitefield.  Daniel Rowlands also receives a few brief mentions.

What grabbed me
Great quote about time from Whitefield: 'At the close of this second short excursion into Wales, Whitefield exclaims, "Oh how swiftly this week has glided away!  To me, it has been but as one day.  How do I pity those who complain that time hangs on their hands!  Let them but love Christ, and spend their whole time in his service, and they will find but few melancholy hours."'

Are you bored?  Serve Christ and time will fly!

Next week's reading
Begin Chapter Seven reading up to the paragraph that begins 'When Whitefield saw the first-fruits of this harvest, he wisely pressed into the field, as his successor, Gilbert Tennent' (page 156 in the Banner of Truth edition).

Now it's your turn
Please post your own notes and thoughts in the comments section below.

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