June 15, 2010

Reformed doctrine of predestination - Boettner - X - Chapter 14

Required reading
Reformed Doctrine of Predestination by Loraine Boettner (Available from Amazon or free on the internet, here for example).  Read Chapter 14 (Perseverance of the saints).

My summary
Today we look at the fifth and last point of Calvinism, the perseverance of the saints.

As usual, Boettner firstly defines the doctrine: 'we believe that those who become true Christians cannot totally fall away and be lost'.

Then, we see that this doctrine teaches that our perseverance is not dependent on our own good works but on God's grace in keeping us to the end.

Next, Boettner admits that perseverance of the saints does not deny that a Christian may sin.  And conversely, those who profess Christianity are not always saints.

Boettner follows this by showing the insecurity of Arminianism and explains the purpose of the scripture warnings against apostasy that are often quoted by Arminians.

Finally, Scripture proofs for the perseverance of the saints are provided.

What grabbed me
In a few places in today's reading Boettner hinted at the intense danger of Arminianism.  It actually implies a way of salvation through grace and works: 'Arminianism denies this doctrine of Perseverance, because it is a system, not of pure grace, but of grace and works; and in any such system the person must prove himself at least partially worthy...In fact, a system of salvation by grace is so utterly at variance with his every-day experience, in which be sees every thing and person treated according to works and merits, that he has great difficulty in bringing himself to believe that it can be true. He wishes to earn his own salvation, though certainly he expects very high wages for very sorry work.'

Now I am not suggesting that all Arminians are unbelievers.  But if you truly believe that what saves you is your own choice and what keeps you saved is your own holding onto Christ, you are treading dangerously close to depending upon your own works for salvation, not the grace of God.  Arminianism has the potential to lead many souls to hell.

Next week's reading
Read Chapters 15 (That it is fatalism) and 16 (Inconsistent with free agency).

Now it's your turn
Please post your own notes and thoughts in the comments section below.

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