October 8, 2010

Practical Religion - Ryle - XX - Chapter 19

Required reading
Practical Religion by JC Ryle (available from Amazon or free on the internet, here for example) - Read Chapter 19 (Eternity).

My summary
To close the book Ryle gives us a sermon on the subject of eternity.

Firstly Ryle teaches us that we live in a world where all things are temporal and passing away.

Secondly we learn that we are all going towards a world where everything is eternal.

Thirdly we hear that our state in the unseen world of eternity depends entirely on what we are in time.

Fourthly Ryle commends the fact that the Lord Jesus Christ is the great Friend to whom we must all look for help, both for time and eternity.

What grabbed me
I was particularly encouraged by the following argument for why there are no second chances after this life: 'What was the use of God's Son becoming incarnate, agonizing in Gethsemane, and dying on the cross to make atonement, if men can ultimately be saved without believing on Him? Where is the slightest proof that saving faith in Christ's blood can ever be achieved after death? Where is the need of the Holy Spirit, if sinners are can enter heaven without conversion and renewal of heart? Where can we find the smallest evidence that after a person dies in an unregenerate state, that later he can still be born again, and have a new heart? If a man, without faith in Christ or sanctification of the Spirit, can escape eternal punishment, then sin is no longer an infinite evil and there was no need for Christ making atonement.'

Doctrines like purgatory do terrible damage to the work of Christ at the cross.

One sentence final verdict
From self-examination and prayer, to zeal and happiness, to falling in love with the family of God, Ryle has much practical advice for those who are willing to listen and 'practice' Christianity.

Next week's reading
Begin 'Knots Untied' by Ryle (Available from Amazon or free here) by reading Chapter 1 (Evangelical religion)

Now it's your turn
Please post your own notes and thoughts in the comments section below.

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