March 17, 2017

Memoirs of Jonathan Edwards in Vol I of the Works - XXVII - Appendix I, II, III

Required reading
Memoirs of Jonathan Edwards in Volume I of the Works by Jonathan Edwards (Available from Amazon or free here)Read Appendix I, II and III.

My summary.
This week we read three appendices that give more information about Jonathan Edwards' ancestors.

Appendix I speaks about:
(i) Richard Edwards (great-great-grandfather);
(ii) William Edwards (great-grandfather);
(iii) Richard Edwards (grandfather);
(iv) Anthony Stoddard (maternal great-grandfather);
(v) Solomon Stoddard (maternal grandfather);
(vi) Timothy Edwards (father - most of the appendix is concerned with narrating his life).

Appendix II is devoted to giving an account of the ministry of Richard Edwards (Jonathan's grandfather).

Appendix III gives a statement of the children (Jonathan's sisters) of Timothy and Esther Edwards.

What grabbed me
I enjoyed reading the account of Richard Edwards in Appendix II.

I liked his way of dealing with heavy problems: 'In all affairs of weight and difficulty, he appeared, in an unusual degree, to commit himself to God, to wait on him for direction and for help, to leave the event in his hands, and then to be at peace. He has sometimes told me, says his son, that when his mind has been much agitated in consequence of some great trouble and perplexity, in which he could see no means of help or relief, so that he could get no rest for a great part of a night, it has been his customary course, to cast it entirely on God, and leave it in his hands; and then, said he, I can at once go to sleep.'

Commit your worries to the Lord and you will sleep far better.

Next week's reading
Read Appendix IV.

Now it's your turn
Please post your own notes and thoughts in the comments section below.

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