April 21, 2017

Dissertation of the End in Vol I of the Works - Edwards - II - Chapter 2

Required reading
Dissertation of the End in Volume I of the Works by Jonathan Edwards (Available from Amazon or free here)Read Chapter 2 of 'Dissertation on the end for which God created the world'.

My summary.
Now Edwards examines what is to be learned from Scripture concerning God's purpose in the creation of the world.

Edwards teaches us:
(i) that the Scriptures represent God as making himself his own last end;

(ii) ways the Scriptures represent God making himself his end;
(iii) particular texts that show God's glory is an ultimate end;
(iv) particular texts showing us that God created the world for his name;
(v) particular texts showing communication of good to creatures is an ultimate end;
(vi) what is meant by the glory of God;
(vii) that the ultimate end of he creation of the world is but one.

What grabbed me
I always enjoy reading about the glory God receives from redemption: 'Thus it is evident, that the glory of God is the ultimate end of the work of redemption; which is the chief work of providence towards the moral world, as is abundantly manifest from Scripture. For the whole universe is put in subjection to Jesus Christ; all heaven and earth, angels and men, are subject to him, as executing this office; and are put under him to that end, that all things may be ordered by him, in subservience to the great designs of his redemption. All power, as he says, is given to him, in heaven and in earth, that he may give eternal life to as many as the Father has given him; and he is exalted far above all principality and power, and might and dominion, and made head over all things to the church. The angels are put in subjection to him, that he may employ them all as ministering spirits, for the good of them that shall be the heirs of salvation: and all things are so governed by their Redeemer, that all things are theirs, whether things present or things to come: and all God's works of providence in the moral government of the world, which we have an account of in scripture history, or that are foretold in scripture prophecy, are evidently subordinate to the great purposes and end of this great work. And besides, the work of redemption is that, by which good men are, as it were, brought into being, as good men, or as restored to holiness and happiness. The work of redemption is a new creation, according to Scripture, whereby men are brought into a new existence, or are made new creatures.'

The work of the cross gives much glory to his name!

Next week's reading
Read Chapters 1, 2 and 3 of 'Dissertation concerning the nature of true virtue'.

Now it's your turn
Please post your own notes and thoughts in the comments section below.

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