June 22, 2017

The Christian in Complete Armour - Gurnall - XXXII - Direction Seventh commenced

Required reading
The Christian in Complete Armour by William Gurnall (Available from Amazon or free here) - Commence the Second General Part of Direction Seventh by reading up to the heading 'Superiority of our nature in Christ to its state in Adam'.

My summary
Today we continue Direction Seventh: 'And your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace' by commencing a discussion of what is here meant by peace.  

Gurnall defines peace as''the blessing of the gospel' and we read about the first kind of peace the gospel brings: peace with God.  

Gurnall teaches us about this peace with God by showing us:
(i) the need for peace with God because of the quarrel betwixt God the sons of men;
(ii) that the gospel effects the peace needed between God and men;
(iii) why God effects peace by the gospel.

What grabbed me
I enjoyed the points about why God brought peace to man, particularly this point: 'Indeed, God intended, by this way of reconciling poor sinners to himself, to make work for angels and saints to admire the mystery of his wisdom, power, and love therein, to everlasting. O, when they shall all meet together in heaven, and there have the whole counsel of God unfolded to them!—when they shall behold what seas were dried up, and what rocks of creature impossibilities digged through, by the omnipotent wisdom and love of God, before a sinner's peace could be obtained, and then behold the work, notwithstanding all this, to be effected and brought to a happy perfection—O how will they be swallowed up in adoring the abyss of his wisdom, who laid the platform of all this according to the eternal counsel of his own will! Surely the sun doth not so much exceed the strength of our mortal eyes as the glory of this will their understandings from ever fully comprehending it. This, this is the piece which God drew on purpose, for its rare workmanship, to beautify heaven itself withal.'

God demonstrated his glory magnificently in making peace with us.

Next week's reading
Continue the Second General Part of Direction Seventh by reading up to the heading 'Directions to sinners as to how they may be at peace with God'.

Now it's your turn
Please post your own notes and thoughts in the comments section below.

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