January 19, 2018

Religious Affections in Vol I of the Works - Edwards - XII - Part 3 continued

Required reading
Religious affections in Volume I of the Works by Jonathan Edwards (Available from Amazon or free here)Continue Part 3 by reading Section 12.

My summary.
Today Edwards gives us his final and principal sign of grace: Christian practice or a holy life.

Firstly he teaches us the necessity of Christian practice:
(i) in all Christians;
(ii) as their primary business;
(iii) to the end of their lives.

Then Edwards gives various reasons for the tendency of gracious affections to an universal holy practice, including the operations of the Holy Spirit.

What grabbed me
I appreciated the point about humility leading to Christian practice: 'The reason of this practical exercise and effect of holy affections, may also be partly seen, from what has been said of that spirit of humility, which attends them. Humility is that wherein a spirit of obedience much consists. A proud spirit is rebellious, but an humble spirit is a submissive, obediential spirit. We see among men, that the servant who is of a haughty spirit, is not apt in every thing to be submissive and obedient to the will of his master; but it is otherwise with the servant who is of a lowly spirit.  That lamb-like, dove-like spirit, that has been spoken of, which accompanies all gracious affections, fulfils (as the apostle observes, Rom. xiii. 8, 9, 10. and Gal. v. 14.) all the duties of the second table of the law; wherein christian practice very much consists, and the external practice of Christianity.'

If you lack humility, you want want to be obedient!

Next week's reading
Continue Part 3 by reading Section 13.

Now it's your turn
Please post your own notes and thoughts in the comments section below.

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