January 11, 2018

The Christian in Complete Armour - Gurnall - L - Direction Nine continued

Required readingThe Christian in Complete Armour by William Gurnall (Available from Amazon or free here) - Read the First General Part of Direction Ninth..

My summary
This week we continue Direction Nine: 'And take the helmet of salvation' (Ephesians vi. 17).

Gurnall wishes to teach us of hope's serviceableness to the Christian and the several offices it performs for him.

Firstly, hope as the Christian's helmet puts the Christian upon high and noble exploits:
(i) against lusts;
(ii) against the present world;
(iii) for God;
(iv) for further attainments.

Secondly, hope as the Christian's helmet raises the Christian's spirit so it makes him diligent and faithful in the meanest and lowest services that the providence of God calls him to.

What grabbed me
I enjoyed the encouragement to use hope as a motivation to work hard: 'As hope raiseth the Christian's spirit to attempt great exploits, so it makes him diligent and faithful in the meanest and lowest services that the providence of God calls him to;—for the same providence lays out every one his work and calling, which sets bounds for their habitations on the earth. Some he sets on the high places of the earth, and appoints them honourable employments, suitable to their place. Others he pitcheth down on lower ground, and orders them in some obscure corner, to employ themselves about work of an inferior nature all their life, and we need not be ashamed to do that work which the great God sets us about. The Italians say true, 'No man fouls his hands in doing his own business.' Now, to encourage every Christian to be faithful in his particular place, he hath made promises that are applicable to them all. Promises are like the beams of the sun: they shine in as freely at the window of the poor man's cottage as of the prince's palace. And these hope trades with, and from these animates the Christian at his work. Indeed, we are no more faithful in our callings than [we are] acted by faith and hope therein.'

With the helmet of salvation on our heads, no work is too hard for Lord!

Next week's readingRead the Third Office of the Second General Part of Direction Ninth.

Now it's your turn
Please post your own notes and thoughts in the comments section below.

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