November 15, 2018

Dogmatic Theology Vol I - Shedd - I - Chapter 1 (The true method in theological science)

Required readingDogmatic Theology Vol I by William G.T. Shedd (Available from Amazon or free here) - Read the Preface and Chapter 1 (The true method in theological science).

My summary
Today we begin Shedd's magnum opus.

In the preface he gives a brief outline of the work and the general tradition of his theological beliefs.

Then Shedd begins his theological introduction.  He says there are three principal introductory topics:
(i) true method of theological science;
(ii) plan, divisions and subdivisions;
(iii) nature and definition of theological science.

In Chapter 1, he then proceeds to show that the true method of theological investigation is:
(i) natural;
(ii) logical.

What grabbed me

I enjoyed this encouragement to rely on old authors: 'In drawing from these earlier sources, the writer believes that systematic theology will be made both more truthful and more vital. Confinement to modern opinions tends to thinness and weakness. The latest intelligence is of more value in a newspaper than in a scientific treatise. If an author in any department gets into the eddies of his age, and whirls round and round in them, he knows little of the sweep of the vast stream of the ages which holds on its way forever and forevermore. If this treatise has any merits, they are due very much to daily and nightly communion with that noble army of theologians which is composed of the elite of the fathers, of the schoolmen, of the reformers, and of the seventeenth century divines of England and the Continent. And let it not be supposed that this influence of the theologians is at the expense of that of the Scriptures. This is one of the vulgar errors. Scientific and contemplative theology is the child of Revelation. It is the very Word of God itself as this has been studied, collated, combined, and systematized by powerful, devout, and prayerful intellects.'

For light look to the old sources, particularly the oldest source written by the Alpha and the Omega himself.

Next week's reading
Read Chapter 2 (Plan, Divisions and Subdivisions).

Now it's your turn
Please post your own notes and thoughts in the comments section below.

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