November 8, 2018

The Christian in Complete Armour - Gurnall - LXXXIII - Direction Twelfth concluded

Required readingThe Christian in Complete Armour by William Gurnall (Available from Amazon or free here) - Conclude Direction Twelfth by reading Branch Fourth.

My summary
Today we finish the twelfth direction: "And for me, that utterance may be given unto me, that I may open my mouth boldly, to make known the mystery of the gospel, For which I am an ambassador in bonds: that therein I may speak boldly, as I ought to speak." (Eph. 6:19-20)

The fourth and final branch looks at the double argument of Paul enforcing his request for prayers of believers: 'For which I am an ambassador in bonds.'

Firstly, Paul enforces his request for his people's prayers by an argument taken from his office as an ambassador.  Gurnall looks at:
(i) why ministers are called ambassadors;
(ii) why God would send ambassadors to his poor creatures;
(iii) why he useth weak men and not glorious angels to be his ambassadors.

Secondly, Paul stirs up his readers to pray for him by reminding them of his afflicted state.

What grabbed me

We made it.  A mammoth work completed!

And it was good to the last drop.  

Today I particularly enjoyed this declaration of what God expects from those to whom he sends his ambassadors: 'Now, let us see what he expects at the sinner's hand. Not to purchase this his favour with a ransom out of his own purse! No, he empties his Son's veins to pay that. But he requires us, (a) To lay down the weapons of our rebellion—for he cannot in honour treat with us while we have that sword in our hand with which we have fought against him. (b) To accept our pardon and peace at the hands of free grace; attributing the glory of it to the mere mercy of God as the moving, and Christ's satisfactory obedience as the meritorious cause. (c) That we shall swear fealty and allegiance to him for the future. How reasonable these are, those that now reject them shall confess with infinite shame and horror for their folly, when Christ shall pack them to hell by his irrevocable sentence.'

The King's terms are infinitely good.  We have no reason not to accept them!

Next week's reading
Commence Dogmatic Theology Vol 1 by William G.T. Shedd (Available from Amazon or free here) by reading the Preface and Chapter I (The true method in theological science).

Now it's your turn
Please post your own notes and thoughts in the comments section below.

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