February 7, 2019

Dogmatic Theology Vol 1 - Shedd - XI - Chapter 4 (Canonicity of Scripture)

Required readingDogmatic Theology Vol 1 by William G.T. Shedd (Available from Amazon or free here) - Read Chapter 4 The Canonicity of Scripture.

My summary
Today Shedd examines the canonicity of the books of the Bible.

He teaches us that the inquiry respecting the authorship is mainly historical, which requires the testimony of the primitive church.

Then Shedd gives us testimonies from the church of the canonicity of both the Old Testament and the New Testament books.

What grabbed me

I liked the encouragement to listen to those closest to the time of writing of the Biblical books about their canonical status: 'The inquiry respecting the authorship of a writing is mainly historical. To answer it, requires the testimony of competent witnesses; and the most competent witnesses are those who lived nearest to the time of the alleged origin and authorship. An eye-witness is the best of all; and the next best witness is one who personally heard the testimony of an eye-witness, and so onward. Consequently, the Primitive church was better situated and qualified than the Modern church, to testify respecting the authorship of the Gospel of Luke or the Epistle to the Hebrews. More of documentary evidence and more of personal testimony was accessible in the year 150 than in the year 1880.'

Next week's reading
Commence Chapter 1 Nature and Definition of God by reading up to the paragraph starting '2. Personality is the second fundamental predicate of spirit'

Now it's your turn
Please post your own notes and thoughts in the comments section below.

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