February 15, 2019

History of the Work of Redemption Vol I of the Works - Edwards - VIII - Period II commenced

Required readingHistory of the Work of Redemption in Vol I of the Works by Jonathan Edwards (Available from Amazon or free here) - Read Part I of Period II.

My summary.
This week we begin a new period in the history of redemption: 'From Christ's incarnation to his resurrection'.

Today's reading is concerned with the matter of Christ's incarnation.

Firstly Edward looks at the necessity of the incarnation.

Then he observes the following things about the incarnation:
(i) Christ's conception and birth;
(ii) the fulness of time in which it was accomplished;
(iii) the greatness of it;
(iv) the remarkable circumstances of it;
(v) the concomitants of this great event (the return of the Spirit, the great notice of it, his circumcision, his first coming to the temple and the death of Herod).

What grabbed me
I liked Edwards' comments about the greatness of the incarnation: 'The next thing that I would observe concerning the incarnation of Christ, is the greatness of this event. Christ's incarnation was a greater and more wonderful thing than ever had yet come to pass. The creation of the world was a very great thing, but not so great as the incarnation of Christ. It was a great thing for God to make the creature, but not so great as for the Creator himself to become a creature. We have spoken of many great things that were accomplished between the fall of man and the incarnation of Christ: but God becoming man was greater than all. Then the greatest person was born that ever was or ever will be.'

The Creator becoming a creature. Mind-staggering!

Next week's reading
Read Part II of Period II.

Now it's your turn
Please post your own notes and thoughts in the comments section below.

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