October 11, 2019

Miscellaneous Discourses in Vol II of the Works - Edwards - I - Men naturally are God's enemies commenced

Required reading

Miscellaneous Discourses in Vol 2 of the Works by Jonathan Edwards (Available from Amazon or free here) - Read Sections I to IV of 'Men naturally are God's enemies'.

My summary

Today we begin the Miscellaneous Discourses in Vol 2 of the works of Edwards.

We completed readings on parts of the Second Volume of Edwards Works a few years ago in the Book Club.  So from now on we'll be reading what hasn't already been covered.

The first sermon is on 'For if, when we were enemies, we were reconciled to God by the death of his Son'  (Rom. 5:10).

Edwards' main point is that men naturally are God's enemies.

Firstly he shows:

(i) in what respects natural men are God's enemies;

(ii) how great a degree they are enemies;

(iii) why they are enemies (primarily, the worship of idols).

Then Edwards begins answering objections starting with the claim that men are not conscious of this enmity towards God.

What grabbed me

I particularly liked this explanation as to why men don't see their enmity toward God: 'Some natural men are such "dogs" as to do things, if they had opportunity, which they do not imagine it is in their hearts to do. You object against your having a moral hatred against God; that you never felt any desire to dethrone him. But one reason has been, that it has always been conceived so impossible by you. But if the throne of God were within your reach, and you knew it, it would not be safe one hour. Who knows what thoughts would presently arise in your heart by such an opportunity, and what disposition would be raised up in your heart.'

If we could wrest God from his throne, we would!

Next week's reading

Conclude 'Men naturally are God's enemies'.

Now it's your turn

Please post your own notes and thoughts in the comments section below.

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