October 10, 2020

Miscellaneous Observations - Edwards - IV - Part I continued

Required reading

Miscellaneous Observations on Important Theological Subjects in Vol 2 of the Works by Jonathan Edwards (Available from Amazon or free here) - Continue Part I by reading Chapter VI.

My summary
Today we continue observations from Edwards on various matters.

We learn about Scripture's:
(i) mysterious nature;
(ii) development;
(iii) superiority to pagan knowledge.

What grabbed me
I liked Edwards' comments on the continued growth in understanding of the Scriptures through the ages: 'The Scriptures, in all their parts, were made for the use of the church here on earth; and it seems reasonable to suppose that God will, by degrees, unveil their meaning to his church. It was made mysterious, in many places having great difficulties, that his people might have exercise for their pious wisdom and study, and that his church might make progress in the understanding of it, as the philosophical world makes progress in the understanding of the book of nature, and in unfolding its mysteries. A divine wisdom appears in ordering it thus. How much better is it to have divine truth and light break forth in this way, than it would have been, to have had it shine at once to every one, without any labour or industry of the understanding? It would be less delightful, and less prized and admired, and would have had vastly less influence on men’s hearts, and would have been less to the glory of God.'

The writings of an an infinite God evoke infinite fascination.

Next week's reading
Continue Part I by reading Chapter VII.

Now it's your turn
Please post your own notes and thoughts in the comments section below.

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