November 19, 2020

Dogmatic Theology Vol 3 - Shedd - IV - Theology (Doctrine of God) commenced

Required reading

Dogmatic Theology Vol 3 by William G.T. Shedd (Available from Amazon or here) - Commence Theology (Doctrine of God) by reading up to the paragraph commencing 'VOL. I., p. 191. The Unlimited as well as the All is often put for the Infinite.' (page 111 of my edition)

My summary  
Today we begin the extra material for Shedd's chapter on the Doctrine of God.

We learn further about:
(i) man in the image of God;
(ii) creation of time and space;
(iii) distinction between matter and mind;
(iv) angelic bodies;
(v) human consciousness.

What grabbed me
I liked the quote from Calvin about the purpose of the incarnation: 'The end for which Christ was promised from the beginning is sufficiently known; it was to restore a fallen world. Therefore under the law his image was exhibited in sacrifices to inspire the faithful with a hope that God would be propitious to them, after he should be reconciled by the expiation of their sins. The prophets proclaimed and foretold him as the future reconciler of God and men. When Christ himself appeared in the world, he declared the design of his advent to be to appease God and restore us from death to life. The apostles testified the same.'

Oh, wonderful Saviour!

Next week's reading
Continue Theology (Doctrine of God) by reading up to the paragraph commencing 'VOL. I., p. 299. It may be asked why "a Divine attribute cannot belong to a fraction of the Divine essence," as well as a human attribute may belong to a fraction of the human nature?' (page 132 of my edition)

Now it's your turn
Please post your own notes and thoughts in the comments section below.

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