August 5, 2009

Precious remedies against Satan's devices - Brooks - XI - 3.6 to 3.8

Required reading
Precious Remedies Against Satan's Devices by Thomas Brooks (available from Amazon or free on the internet, here for example) - Chapter 3, Devices 6, 7 and 8.

My notes and thoughts
Device 6: 'By presenting ...examples of the greatest part of the world that walk in the ways of their own hearts...'  I felt this device wasn't as strong as some of the others and has already been addressed in earlier devices.  I think Brooks felt this too by dealing with it quickly and commenting: 'I am afraid, if these arguments do not stir you, other arguments will work but little upon you.'

Device 7: By casting vain thoughts whilst the soul is seeking God.  This device is very common in my own heart.  When you sit down to do something for God that requires hard work, how many other things jump into your mind?  This whole section is great but I like the first remedy best: 'To have your hearts strongly affected with the greatness, holiness, majesty and glory of that God before whom you stand, and with whom your souls do converse in religious services.'  If we understood exactly who it was that we seek, nothing would distract us.  Brooks doesn't say it better than: 'A man would be afraid of playing with a feather, when he is speaking with a king.'  Oh how many feathers we are playing with instead of serving our God!

Device 8: 'By working them rest in their performances...'  This is common.  How many people have said that they won't come to church on Sundays because it is their day of 'rest' or their 'family' day?!

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