August 6, 2009

Precious remedies against Satan's devices - Brooks - XII - 4.1 to 4.2

Required reading
Precious Remedies Against Satan's Devices by Thomas Brooks (available from Amazon or free on the internet, here for example) - Chapter 4, Devices 1 and 2

My notes and thoughts
We start a new section on devices 'to keep saints in a sad, doubting, questioning and uncomfortable condition.'  These devices do not rob a believer of his crown but make life a burden.

Device 1: 'to mind their sins more than their Saviour...'  The first four remedies remind the reader of the ways that Christ has conquered our sin.  The fifth remedy is particularly helpful at addressing the tricky question of why God would allow the Christian to continue to sin.  He concludes the fifth remedy with the hard fact: 'Oh then, let no believer speak, write, or conclude bitter things against his own soul and comforts, because that sin troubles and vexes his righteous soul; but lay his hand upon his mouth and be silent, because the Lord will have it so.'

Device 2: 'By working them to make false definitions of their graces.'  The remedies encourage the reader that just because you don't have assurance, it doesn't mean you don't have saving faith.

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