December 20, 2009

All of grace - Spurgeon - V - Chapter 9

Required reading
All of grace by C. H. Spurgeon (available from Amazon or free on the internet, here for example) - Read Chapter 9.

My summary
Now that Spurgeon has defined faith for us, he spends a whole chapter doing what he does so well - illustrating the subject at hand.

Faith is like:
- the eye;
- the hand;
- the mouth;
- the farmer burying seed;
- the merchant placing his money in the bank;
- the sailor trusting himself on the water of the sea;
- the goldsmith putting precious metal in the fire;
- the limpets clinging to the rocks;
- the blind man relying on his seeing friend;
- the child trusting his teacher;
- the reader trusting the book;
- the child trusting his father;
- the sick wife trusting her husband who is a doctor;
- the captain of the ship trusting the pilot of the port;
- the traveler trusting the guide;
- the patient trusting the physician;
- the mariner trusting his compass, nautical almanac, his glass and the heavenly bodies. 

What grabbed me
Amongst the illustrations Spurgeon wrote: 'Almost all that you and I know has come to us by faith.  A scientific discovery has been made, and we are sure of it.  On what grounds do we believe it?  On the authority of certain well-known men of learning whose reputations are established.  We have never made or seen their experiments, but we believe their witness.  You must do the same with regard to Jesus.  Because He teaches you certain truths, you are to be His disciples and believe His words.  Because He has performed certain acts, you are to be His client and trust yourself with Him.  He is infinitely superior to you and presents Himself to you as your Master and Lord.'  We need to sit up and trust Jesus as a reliable witness whose reputation is established.  If we trust what we read in scientific journals, how much more should we trust in that which is written in God's word?  Sometimes I wonder if we prefer to believe what is written purely by man than the pure word of God.  Theistic evolution being a clear example.

Now it's your turn
Please post your own notes and thoughts in the comments section below.

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