December 19, 2009

Major restructure of the book club

Today I'm announcing that the Reformed Book Club will change format early in 2010.

Rationale for the change
The current format is too fast for some and yet too slow for others.  So to address the needs of both parties, we will now be reading from seven titles each week.  For those who find the readings too fast, they can choose to read simply from one book a week.  For those who want to read more, they can keep up with some or all of the seven titles.

The days of the week will be dedicated to different genres of books to diversify the diet of the club.  The genres will be as follows:
  • Sunday Supermen (Biographies)
  • Monday Major Work (Works that are close to 1,000 pages long)
  • Tuesday Theology (Titles that spring from systematic or Biblical theological thought, including what would be classified as devotional works)
  • Wednesday Worker (Pastoral works)
  • Thursday Theology (Titles that spring from systematic or Biblical theological thought, including what would be classified as devotional works)
  • Friday Focus (For the entire year we will read works from one chosen author)
  • Saturday Seed Sower (Titles that encourage evangelism)
The size of the daily readings will approximately double in size to around 20 pages.  This will be a welcome increase for those who find the daily readings too short and will also make it easier to divide books with large chapters.

There will also be an attempt to read only books for which there are editions freely available on the internet.  This will ensure that the club caters for those who cannot afford to buy many books.  I do not think this requirement will be detrimental to the club as I think many of us would agree that there are plenty of quality titles free on the internet.

Changeover details
When will the change take place?
We have around around nine readings left in the current format which won't quite see us to the end of 2009.  So we will do the Around the wicket gate by Spurgeon to round off 2009 as it is short and also similar to his All of grace which we are currently reading.

What will we begin reading in 2010?
More questions?  Ask them in the comments.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

sounds like a great idea, hope I can get started with you guys.