August 28, 2010

Holy War -Bunyan - VII - Chapters 9 & 10

Required reading
Bunyan's Holy War (Available from Amazon or free here) - Read Chapters 9 and 10.

My summary
In Chapter 9 the people of Mansoul return to the city with great rejoicing at the grace shown to them.  They request Emmanuel to come in and live in their town.  Emmanuel accepts and comes into Mansoul with his captains and the takes up residence there.  The image of Diabolus is destroyed and the image of Shaddai is set up once again.

In Chapter 10 we shift to a court scene where the Diabolians are put on trial.  They deny the charges but witnesses are brought forward who testify against them.  Nine Diabolians are condemned (Incredulity, Forget-good, Lustings, Atheism, Hardheart, Falsepeace, Notruth, Pitiless and Haughty) and are crucified.  Except Mr Incredulity who escapes the town and reports to Diabolus.

What grabbed me
Enjoyed the description of the people's reaction to Emmanuel living in the town: 'Now, the ancients and elders of the town of Mansoul thought that they never should have enough of the Prince Emmanuel; his person, his actions, his words and behaviour, were so pleasing, so taking, so desirable to them. Wherefore they prayed him, that though the castle of Mansoul was his place of residence (and they desired that he might dwell there for ever), yet that he would often visit the streets, houses, and people of Mansoul. ‘For,’ said they, ‘dread Sovereign, thy presence, thy looks, thy smiles, thy words, are the life, and strength, and sinews of the town of Mansoul.’  Besides this, they craved that they might have, without difficulty or interruption, continual access unto him (so for that very purpose he commanded that the gates should stand open), that they might there see the manner of his doings, the fortifications of the place, and the royal mansion-house of the Prince. When he spake, they all stopped their mouths and gave audience; and when he walked, it was their delight to imitate him in his goings.'

They just can't get enough of him.  Oh what a joy it will be to see Jesus face to face!

Next week's reading
Read Chapter 11.

Now it's your turn
Please post your own notes and thoughts in the comments section below.

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