January 26, 2015

Systematic Theology (Vol 2) - Hodge - XXIII - Chapter 1 (The plan of salvation) concluded

Required reading
Systematic Theology by Charles Hodge (Vol 2) (Available from Amazon or free here) - Conclude Chapter 1 (The plan of salvation).

My summary
This week Hodge finishes his section on the plan of salvation by discussing the Augustinian scheme.

Hodge gives:
(i) a statement of the doctrine;
(ii) proof of the doctrine (primarily from Scripture);
(iii) objections to the doctrine.

What grabbed me
I liked Hodge's comment about the subjectivity of many objections to the Augustinian scheme: 'A third obvious remark is that these objections are subjective ; i. e., they derive all their force from the limitation of our powers and from the narrowness of our views. They assume that we are competent to sit in judgment on God's government of the universe; that we can ascertain the end which He has in view, and estimate aright the wisdom and justice of the means adopted for its accomplishment. This is clearly a preposterous assumption, not only because of our utter incapacity to comprehend the ways of God, but also because we must of necessity judge before the consummation of his plan, and must also judge from appearances. It is but right in judging of the plans even of a fellow mortal, that we should wait until they are fully developed, and also right that we should not judge without being certain that we can see his real intentions, and the connection between his means and end.'

Many arguments against the Reformed view are simply audacious.

Next week's reading
Commence Chapter 2 (The covenant of grace) by reading up to the heading '6. The identity of the covenant of grace under all dispensations'.

Now it's your turn
Please post your own notes and thoughts in the comments section below.

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