December 29, 2016

The Christian in Complete Armour - Gurnall - XIV - Direction Second continued

Required reading
The Christian in Complete Armour by William Gurnall (Available from Amazon or free here) - Read up to 'Second Sort of Spiritual Sins' of Branch Fourth of Division Second of Second General Part of Direction Second.

My summary
Today we begin examining what is meant by our war being 'against spiritual wickedness'.

Gurnall gives us three doctrines:

(i) the devils are spirits;
(ii) the devils are extremely wicked;
(iii) the devils do chiefly annoy the saints with, and provoke them to, spiritual wickedness.

On the last doctrine, there are two sub points that give the 'sorts' of spiritual sins that the devils use to provoke saints. Today, we only read the first sub point: Sins may be called spiritual from the subject wherein they are acted.

What grabbed me
I appreciated the 'help' that Gurnall gave in guarding our hearts: 'Set a strong guard about thy outward senses. These are Satan's landing places, especially the eye and ear. Take heed what thou importest at them. Vain discourse seldom passeth without leaving some tincture upon the heart; as unwholesome air inclines to putrefaction things sweet in themselves, so unsavory discourse to corrupt the mind that is pure. Look thoubreathest therefore in a clean air. And for thy eye, let it not wander. Wanton objects cause wanton thoughts. Job knew his eye and his thoughts were like to go together, and therefore, to secure one, he covenants with the other, Job 31:1.'

Watch your heart by watching your senses!

Next week's reading
Conclude Branch Fourth of Division Second of Second 
General Part of Direction Second.

Now it's your turn
Please post your own notes and thoughts in the comments section below.

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