September 28, 2020

Miscellaneous Observations - Edwards - III - Part I continued

Required reading

Miscellaneous Observations on Important Theological Subjects in Vol 2 of the Works by Jonathan Edwards (Available from Amazon or free here) - Continue Part I by reading Chapters IV and V.

My summary
Today we continue observations from Edwards on various matters.

Firstly Edwards teaches us about the general judgement and future state.

Secondly we learn about the miracles of Christ and how they compare with the miracles in the Old Testament.

What grabbed me
I liked Edwards' point that the early Christians were no different from other Jews: 'There could be nothing peculiar in the constitution of the first Christians, tending to enthusiasm, beyond the rest of the Jews: for they were of the same blood, the same, race and nation. Nor could it be because they wanted zeal against Christianity, and a desire to oppose and destroy it; or wanted envy and virulent opposition of mind to any pretences in the Christians to excel them in the favour of God, or excellency of any gifts or privileges whatsoever. They had such zeal and such envy, even to madness and fury.'

Next week's reading
Continue Part I by reading Chapter VI.

Now it's your turn
Please post your own notes and thoughts in the comments section below.

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