November 5, 2020

Dogmatic Theology Vol 3 - Shedd - II - Bibliology commenced

Required reading  

Dogmatic Theology Vol 3 by William G.T. Shedd (Available from Amazon or here) - Commence Bibliology by reading up to the paragraph beginning 'VOL. I., p.85. The fact that inspiration... (page 50 of my edition).

My summary  
Today we begin a chapter consisting of supplementary material for Shedd's teaching on Bibliology.

We read material on:
(i) inspiration;
(ii) inerrancy;
(iii) the origin of the four gospels (this takes up most of the reading).

What grabbed me
I enjoyed this comment on the relationship of the Scriptures to the church: 'The apostolic writings, consequently, stand in a wholly different relation to the Christian church from all others, secular or religious. The church grew out of them and rests upon them. This cannot be said of any or all of the immense body of Christian literature which has sprung from them.'

The church grew out of the word, not the word grew out of the church.

Next week's reading    

Conclude Bibliology.

Now it's your turn
Please post your own notes and thoughts in the comments section below.

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