October 24, 2020

Miscellaneous Observations - Edwards - VI - Part I continued

Required reading

Miscellaneous Observations on Important Theological Subjects in Vol 2 of the Works by Jonathan Edwards (Available from Amazon or free here) - Continue Part I by reading Chapter VIII.

My summary
Today we continue observations from Edwards on the light of reason, including refuting the following proposition: if 'reason and the light of nature, without revelation, are sufficient to show us, that the end of God’s government, in his moral kingdom, must be, to promote these two things among mankind, viz. their virtue, and their happiness.'

What grabbed me
I liked Edwards' concluding paragraph: 'The light of nature teaches that religion which is necessary to continue in the favour of the God that made us; but it cannot teach us that religion which is necessary to our being restored to the favour of God, after we have forfeited it.'

We cannot know the way of salvation apart from revelation.

Next week's reading
Conclude Part I by reading Chapter IX and X.

Now it's your turn
Please post your own notes and thoughts in the comments section below.

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