October 14, 2009

Pilgrim's progress - Bunyan - XXV

Required reading 
Pilgrim's Progress by John Bunyan (available from Amazon or free on the internet, here for example) - Up to the paragraph that begins: 'By this time they were got to the Enchanted Ground, where the air naturally tended to make one drowsy.  And that place was all grown over with briars and thorns....'

My notes and thoughts
Today the pilgrims spend their time in the Delectable mountains with the Shepherds and after leaving them meet Mr Valiant-for-Truth.
One of the Mounts that the Shepherds show the pilgrims is Mount-Innocent: 'Then they had them to another place, called Mount-Innocent.  And there they saw a man clothed all in white; and two men, Prejudice and Ill-will, continually casting dirt upon him.  Now behold the dirt, whatsoever they cast at him, would in little time fall off again, and his garment would look as clear as if no dirt.The sight is an encouragement to Christians who are slandered in this life: 'Whoever they be that would make such men dirty, they labour all in vain; for God, by that a little time is spent, will cause that their innocence shall break forth as the light, and their righteousness as the noonday.'  Sometimes the mud that is slung at us feels like it will never come unstuck, but we must remember that it is only temporary.  There will be a day when we will be proven innocent.
Now it's your turn
Please post your own notes and thoughts in the comments section below.

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