January 10, 2014

Works (Vol 4) - Bates - VII - Sermon VI (How to bear afflictions)

Required reading
The Works (Vol 4) by William Bates (Available from Amazon or free here) -Read Sermon VI (How to bear afflictions).

My summary
Today we read the second of two sermons on how to bear afflictions.  Both are based on the text 'My son, despise not thou the chastening of the Lord, nor faint when thou art rebuked of him' (Heb 12:5).

Last week Bates began his main third point which proves that it is the duty and wisdom of the afflicted not to despise the chastenings fo the Lord, nor to faint under them.

We also hear Bates fourth main point on the use of the doctrine.  He tells us that the doctrine should excite us to those duties that are directly contrary to the extremes forbidden.  We are 'To demean ourselves under the chastenings of the Lord with a deep reverence and humble fear of his displeasure, and with a firm hope and dependance upon him for a blessed issue upon him for a blessed issue upon our complying with his holy will.'

What grabbed me
I was encouraged to be reminded that God's discipline is a demonstration of his love: 'In children reason is not fully disclouded, they are not capable to govern themselves, and are only taught with sensible pleasure or pain? So that a father is obliged to join correction with instruction, to form them to virtue. This is so far from being inconsistent with paternal affection, that it is inseparable from it. For a parent to: suffer a child to go on pleasantly in sin without due punishment, is pure cruelty disguised under the mask of pity: for by the neglect of discipline he is confirmed in his vicious courses, and exposed to ruin. '

God would be cruel if he didn't discipline us.

Next week's reading
Sermon VII (The marriage feast).

Now it's your turn
Please post your own notes and thoughts in the comments section below.


CJ said...

Those were a marvellous set of sermons! I very much enjoyed them, especially the reminders from Bates that God is all wise and all loving:

"But in God there is a perfect union of wisdom and love, of discretion and tenderness; his affection is without the least imperfection. His will is always guided by infinite wisdom."

Unlike earthly parents which err in their correction (or not!) of their children, the Lord God always sends the exact afflictions necessary to correct us and fit us for heaven.

Now to just keep these wonderful thoughts and words in mind when afflictions do happen, so God may be glorified in them, and I may be sanctified!

Joel Radford said...

I'm pleased to hear that you're still enjoying Bates CJ.

It is always good to consider the attributes of God!