November 13, 2021

Notes on the Bible - Edwards - II - Pentateuch continued

Required reading

Continue Pentateuch in Notes on the Bible in Vol 2 of the Works by Jonathan Edwards (Available from Amazon or free here) by reading up to the paragraph beginning 'He that can observe the facts of the history of the Pentateuch after this manner mentioned and referred to in the writings of several ages of the Israelitish nation...'

My summary
Today Edwards clearly proves the dependence of the Mosaic law upon history.

Edwards also gives a list of references to events in the Pentateuch from other books of the Old Testament. 

What grabbed me
I continued to enjoy Edwards' comments on the connection between history and law: 'History and law are every where so grafted one into another, so mutually inwrought, and do, as it were, so grow one out of and into another, and flow one from another in a continued current, that there is all appearance of their originally growing together, and not in the least of their being artificially patched and compacted together afterwards. It seems impossible impartially and carefully to view the manner of their connexion, and to judge otherwise.'

No suggestion of JEDP here!

Next week's reading
Conclude Pentateuch in Notes on the Bible in Vol 2 of the Works by Jonathan Edwards (Available from Amazon or free here).

Now it's your turn
Please post your own notes and thoughts in the comments section below.

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