Required reading
Continue Genesis in Notes on the Bible in Vol 2 of the Works by Jonathan Edwards (Available from Amazon or free here) by reading up to [323] Gen. x. and xi. The dispersion and first settlement of the nations.
My summary
Today we continue reading Edwards' notes on Genesis, including on:
(i) Noah's name;
(ii) the evil of the Noahic period;
(iii) Noah's ark;
(iv) the animals of the ark;
(v) the sacrifice Noah offered;
(vi) the rainbow.
What grabbed me
I liked the comment on the connection between the ark and the church: 'The company in Noah’s Ark was upon many accounts a type of the church of Christ. The ark did literally contain in it the church of God, for all flesh had corrupted their way before God, and true religion and piety seemed to be confined to Noah and his family. The ark was made for the salvation of the church, and for the saving the church from the destruction which the world was to undergo, and to which it was doomed, and of which all the rest of mankind were to be the subjects in an overflowing deluge of God’s wrath. So Christ, God-man, mediator, was made for the salvation of his church, to save it from that destruction and woe that is denounced against this wicked world, and that deluge of wrath that will overwhelm all others. The way in which persons were saved by the ark, was by taking warning from Noah the preacher of righteousness to fly from the wrath to come, and hearkening to the call, and flying for refuge to the ark, and getting into the ark. So the way by which we are saved by Christ, is by flying from the deluge of God’s wrath, and taking refuge in Christ, and being in him.'
Christ is our ark!
Next week's reading
Continue Genesis in Notes on the Bible in Vol 2 of the Works by Jonathan Edwards (Available from Amazon or free here) by reading up to [415] Gen. x. 1. These things are evidences that all mankind are originally from one head or fountain, and of one blood'.
Now it's your turn
Please post your own notes and thoughts in the comments section below.
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