July 24, 2021

Miscellaneous Observations - Edwards - II - Fall of angels

Required reading

Miscellaneous Observations in Vol 2 of the Works by Jonathan Edwards (Available from Amazon or free here) - Read 'Fall of angels'.

My summary
Today we continue learning about angels, but particularly their fall.

Edwards discusses the occasion of the fall of:
(i) angels/devils;
(ii) Satan the prince of the devils.

What grabbed me
I appreciated the warning about Satan: 'It seems manifest by the Scripture, that there is one of the devils that is vastly superior to all the rest. His vast superiority appears in his being so very often spoken of singly, as the grand enemy of God and mankind, the grand adversary, the accuser of the brethren, and the great destroyer. He is more frequently spoken of singly, in Scripture, than devils are spoken of in the plural number, as though he were more than all the rest. He seems commonly in Scripture to be spoken of instar omnium. It seems to be from his great superiority above all the rest, that he is so often spoken of under so many peculiar names that are never found in the plural number, as Satan, Diabolos, Beelzebub, Lucifer, The Dragon, The Old Serpent, The Wicked One, The God of this world, The Prince of this world, John xii. 31. The Prince of the power of the air, The Accuser of the brethren, The Tempter, The Adversary, Abaddon, Apollyon, The Enemy, and The Avenger. His strength and subtlety are very great indeed; so much superior to the rest, that he maintains a dominion over them, and is able to govern and manage them, that they durst not raise rebellion against him...'

We must be careful not to underestimate the danger Satan poses to us.

Next week's reading
Read 'The Devil' and 'Confirmation of Angels'.

Now it's your turn
Please post your own notes and thoughts in the comments section below.

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