July 31, 2021

Miscellaneous Observations - Edwards - III - Devil and Confirmation of Angels

Required reading

Miscellaneous Observations in Vol 2 of the Works by Jonathan Edwards (Available from Amazon or free here) - Read 'The Devil' and 'Confirmation of Angels'.

My summary
This week we continue with learning about angels.

Firstly, we learn about the malice of Satan.

Secondly, we see the confirmation of the holy angels through the work of Christ including his incarnation and ascension.

What grabbed me
I liked the point about the incarnation being also for the sake of angels: 

'From this we may see that the angels are interested in Jesus Christ God man, as well as elect men, and that the incarnation of Christ was not only for our sakes, (though chiefly for ours,) but also for the sake of the angels. For God having from eternity, from his infinite goodness, designed to communicate himself to creatures, the way in which he designed to communicate himself to elect beloved creatures, all of them, was to unite himself to a created nature, and to become one of the creatures, and to gather together in one all elect creatures in that creature, whom he assumed into a personal union with himself, and to manifest to them, and maintain intercourse with them through him. All creatures having this benefit by Christ’s incarnation, that God thereby is, as it were, come down to them from his infinite height above them, and is become a fellow-creature, and all elect creatures hereby have opportunity for a more free and intimate converse with God, and full enjoyment of him, than otherwise could be. And though Christ is not the Mediator of the angels in the same sense that he is of men, yet he is a middle person between God and them, through whom is all their intercourse with God, and derivations from him.'

Christ is between all things and God, including angels.

Next week's reading
Commence 'Heaven' by reading up to '[499] Hades-Separate spirits-Heaven-Hell.'

Now it's your turn
Please post your own notes and thoughts in the comments section below.

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